Career Transition and Transformation
For Leaders and Business Owners

Career Transition and Outplacement
Leaders and Owners, seeking sensitive help and guidance through a difficult period?
Sudden organizational changes can often create psychological and practical dislocation for an individual. Even as a senior executive they may not have the skills or the confidence to manage their new mindset and circumstances.
Their new situation suddenly becomes a lonely one as they try to understand and adapt to their new reality and set another future direction.
I have been a retrenched chief executive that needed time to reflect, reassess and readjust to my new situation so I understand the internal and external challenges and opportunities that need to be assessed and decisions made.
If you seek sensitive help and guidance for yourself or another executive through a difficult period , I can help provide practical support and advice.

Career Transformation and Personal Leadership
Leaders and Owners, feeling challenged and need some help?
You are likely reading this page because as a business owner and leader something is missing in your work and your life.
It may be a lack of clarity about your direction, a confused purpose, or perhaps you have lost confidence and feel overwhelmed by events. You could be feeling stressed and under extreme pressure ,have some mental blocks around making decisions or changes or facing a dire situation.
Alternatively you may just aspire to be a better leader or wish to seek guidance about the right path for some amazing opportunities you are exploring.
Whatever your challenge or opportunity you don’t have to face this alone. Often it helps to talk it through with someone that has likely experienced what you are thinking and feeling right now.
As a seasoned business owner and leader I can likely relate to your situation and help you get what you want.

Career Transformation and Personal Leadership
Leaders and Owners, get your mind set clear and confident
I am a leadership and mindset growth Coach and Advisor and you are likely a business owner and leader too.
I’m in your corner to help you become successful through personalized, practical and successful guidance and strategies.
I listen, guide, advise, support and coach you to keep you accountable to your plans.
And, if you get stuck or blown off track -overwhelmed or challenged by a situation or setback, I can help you to find a way out or back.
I believe in the immense power of self-awareness and reflection and I am a strong advocate of, and certified master practitioner in the leading MTQ mental toughness psychometric framework and measure as a starting point for both personal and organisational development.
I will help you achieve a clear and confident mind set.
If this sounds of interest and you want to learn more let’s talk for 20-30 minutes to see if we both feel there is a match. No charge or obligation.

What My Clients Say

"Awareness is the greatest agent of change"
So, why me?
Well, I listen, observe and seek to understand your situation and motivation.
I’m calm, friendly, approachable and non-judgemental. The above “gold nugget” of a quotation by spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle is my favourite quotation because I have benefited from the power of personal reflection and its ability to help you, and me, make changes for the better.
I have broad commercial experience in growth orientated organisations across the UK, SE Asia and Australia as both CEO and Founder.
As a Chartered Accountant I have built start-ups and scaled international businesses in multiple countries and economic cycles. I have succeeded and failed and succeeded again.
I’m currently running my own business as a solopreneur and although I live in regional NSW in Australia, my clients are based all over the world.
Access more on my professional career below: